2126 rank

120,386,764 points

9,340 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marcus 519 the Wicked    GOLDEN EAGLE
Cirgard 1676 Marcus 519 the Wicked GOLDEN EAGLE 174,813,351 10,374
Marcus 519 the Wicked    Ivory Guard
Greifental 2030 Marcus 519 the Wicked Ivory Guard 124,612,837 9,858
Marcus 519 the Wicked    smokers lounge
Mount Killmore 2131 Marcus 519 the Wicked smokers lounge 120,756,222 11,229
Marcus 519 the Wicked    It is what it is
Houndsmoor 2126 Marcus 519 the Wicked It is what it is 120,386,764 9,340
Marcus 519 the Wicked    Slackers
Jaims 4203 Marcus 519 the Wicked Slackers 27,981,765 2,962