10678 rank

1,408,101 points

1,362 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
shantilydrake    The Hangout 3
Arvahall 11492 shantilydrake The Hangout 3 2,319,838 1,764
shantilydrake    The Hangout 14)
Greifental 9561 shantilydrake The Hangout 14) 1,714,697 1,779
Korch 9509 shantilydrake 1,586,137 1,293
shantilydrake    The Hangout 2
Jaims 9662 shantilydrake The Hangout 2 1,505,960 1,600
shantilydrake    The Hangout 4
Houndsmoor 10678 shantilydrake The Hangout 4 1,408,101 1,362
shantilydrake    The Hangout 7
Sinerania 9371 shantilydrake The Hangout 7 1,264,852 1,498
shantilydrake    The Hangout 101
Tuulech 9263 shantilydrake The Hangout 101 1,250,297 1,226
shantilydrake    The Hangout 8
Mount Killmore 11346 shantilydrake The Hangout 8 1,213,967 1,509
shantilydrake    The Hangout 9
Zorskog 9090 shantilydrake The Hangout 9 1,186,505 1,226
shantilydrake    The Hangout11
Angkor 9023 shantilydrake The Hangout11 1,134,815 1,288
Yorkton 9961 shantilydrake 971,618 1,277
shantilydrake    The Hangout 6
Vingrid 10265 shantilydrake The Hangout 6 944,059 1,232
Uceria 10281 shantilydrake 901,473 1,247
shantilydrake    The Hangout 25
Xyr 12028 shantilydrake The Hangout 25 680,288 941