19 rank

3,925,735,925 points

1,087,350 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
fozzi58    Lady of the Lake
Houndsmoor 19 fozzi58 Lady of the Lake 3,925,735,925 1,087,350
fozzi58    Lady of the Lake
Vingrid 800 fozzi58 Lady of the Lake 420,645,920 168,962
fozzi58    🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️
Fel Dranghyr 1424 fozzi58 🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️ 222,366,171 107,530
fozzi58    League of Greatness
Greifental 2357 fozzi58 League of Greatness 101,467,732 61,068
fozzi58    Odds and Ends
Arvahall 3406 fozzi58 Odds and Ends 79,179,195 90,291
fozzi58    Polly's playhouse
East-Nagach 3296 fozzi58 Polly's playhouse 62,013,141 61,579
fozzi58    🐉DragonMount🐉
Dunarsund 4702 fozzi58 🐉DragonMount🐉 28,756,147 38,618
fozzi58    Diamond Miners
Brisgard 4989 fozzi58 Diamond Miners 27,188,784 33,557