14439 rank

310,445 points

433 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lakel06    Guild of flames
Houndsmoor 14439 lakel06 Guild of flames 310,445 433
lakel06    Flames of Shadows
Rugnir 12743 lakel06 Flames of Shadows 283,843 278
lakel06    Finding Francis
Mount Killmore 16115 lakel06 Finding Francis 209,315 353
lakel06    MesoAmerica
Greifental 14235 lakel06 MesoAmerica 206,156 299
lakel06    Wytches Brew
Arvahall 19129 lakel06 Wytches Brew 181,836 253
lakel06    Just4fun
Brisgard 18266 lakel06 Just4fun 127,184 153
lakel06    Guild of Dreams
Noarsil 16792 lakel06 Guild of Dreams 45,274 93