5200 rank

20,736,644 points

8,458 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bess24    👊🏻Fist of Heracles
Mount Killmore 301 Bess24 👊🏻Fist of Heracles 1,087,670,596 164,246
Bess24    KHEDIVE
Angkor 2899 Bess24 KHEDIVE 37,794,908 17,113
Bess24    The-Collective
Houndsmoor 5200 Bess24 The-Collective 20,736,644 8,458
Bess24    Pirates of Yarrrrrrr
Zorskog 4047 Bess24 Pirates of Yarrrrrrr 20,081,149 10,539