7459 rank

7,352,891 points

2,223 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Beatrix 1245 the Impaler    Fishyblubblub
Houndsmoor 7459 Beatrix 1245 the Impaler Fishyblubblub 7,352,891 2,223
Beatrix 1245 the Impaler    Lone Star
Rugnir 13276 Beatrix 1245 the Impaler Lone Star 210,022 185
Beatrix 1245 the Impaler    Dragon's
Sinerania 14010 Beatrix 1245 the Impaler Dragon's 137,082 155
Beatrix 1245 the Impaler    00800
Yorkton 15088 Beatrix 1245 the Impaler 00800 115,482 165