6782 rank

9,451,884 points

2,453 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wylde Cherry    Thirteen
Arvahall 6031 Wylde Cherry Thirteen 20,872,167 5,351
Wylde Cherry    thePride of Brisgard
Brisgard 5888 Wylde Cherry thePride of Brisgard 16,567,171 4,207
Wylde Cherry    the Pride of Tuulech
Tuulech 4825 Wylde Cherry the Pride of Tuulech 16,193,667 3,944
Wylde Cherry    Thirteen
Walstrand 4690 Wylde Cherry Thirteen 15,354,869 3,470
Wylde Cherry    Thirteen
Yorkton 4745 Wylde Cherry Thirteen 14,956,574 3,249
Wylde Cherry    ThirteenX
Mount Killmore 6088 Wylde Cherry ThirteenX 13,134,349 3,992
Wylde Cherry    Pride of Houndsmoor
Houndsmoor 6782 Wylde Cherry Pride of Houndsmoor 9,451,884 2,453
Wylde Cherry    Thirteen
Angkor 5260 Wylde Cherry Thirteen 8,805,235 2,212