9749 rank

2,183,999 points

4,022 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Uceria 5923 Raider 764 the Ravenous 9,896,975 10,123
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
East-Nagach 6874 Raider 764 the Ravenous 8,966,966 8,505
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Dunarsund 7165 Raider 764 the Ravenous 8,504,460 7,979
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Yorkton 5946 Raider 764 the Ravenous 8,111,073 8,467
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Odhrorvar 6905 Raider 764 the Ravenous 5,367,249 5,405
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Zorskog 7574 Raider 764 the Ravenous 2,675,917 3,524
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Jaims 8634 Raider 764 the Ravenous 2,588,151 3,700
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Greifental 8928 Raider 764 the Ravenous 2,416,461 3,759
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Houndsmoor 9749 Raider 764 the Ravenous 2,183,999 4,022
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Fel Dranghyr 9230 Raider 764 the Ravenous 2,173,320 4,062
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Angkor 8326 Raider 764 the Ravenous 1,613,158 2,549
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Rugnir 9417 Raider 764 the Ravenous 1,319,739 1,879
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Korch 11313 Raider 764 the Ravenous 678,337 904
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Birka 7992 Raider 764 the Ravenous 570,617 970
Raider 764 the Ravenous   
Arvahall 16408 Raider 764 the Ravenous 433,630 880