11515 rank

973,446 points

509 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tam1952a    Guild of Halifax
Houndsmoor 11515 tam1952a Guild of Halifax 973,446 509
tam1952a    Guild of Virginia
Jaims 10887 tam1952a Guild of Virginia 827,826 237
tam1952a    Guild of Richmond
Arvahall 15462 tam1952a Guild of Richmond 587,745 230
tam1952a    Guild of Decatur
Brisgard 14746 tam1952a Guild of Decatur 442,810 251
tam1952a    GUILD OF HULL
Zorskog 18039 tam1952a GUILD OF HULL 24,673 25
East-Nagach 20420 tam1952a GUILD OF MANCHESTER 24,002 20