3819 rank

39,552,229 points

7,016 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Sinerania 990 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 281,646,023 50,788
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Yorkton 1452 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 136,536,458 21,671
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lègacy
Korch 1882 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lègacy 129,174,607 20,705
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legàcy
Cirgard 1978 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legàcy 127,339,510 21,963
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legácy
Fel Dranghyr 2013 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legácy 122,777,172 20,990
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Xyr 1639 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 120,359,450 20,897
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Légacy
Qunrir 1893 Irene 1277 the Prophet Légacy 118,429,873 20,831
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
Jaims 1902 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 117,139,681 20,442
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Greifental 2046 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 114,120,769 20,530
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Noarsil 2207 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 95,610,293 17,513
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacý
Tuulech 2078 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacý 94,975,030 17,471
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãcy
Arvahall 3001 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãcy 87,763,790 12,493
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Angkor 1770 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 80,924,568 12,266
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Dilmun 701 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 43,050,615 6,903
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
Houndsmoor 3819 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 39,552,229 7,016
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lega¢y
Brisgard 4144 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lega¢y 38,483,555 6,856
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Carthage 1482 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 24,298,207 5,410
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgaçy
Uceria 4500 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgaçy 20,876,837 4,973
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâçy
Vingrid 4476 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâçy 20,560,251 5,116
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãçy
Walstrand 4200 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãçy 20,135,067 5,077
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãçy
Birka 2613 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãçy 20,010,469 5,069
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgâçy
Zorskog 3913 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgâçy 19,873,248 5,032
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãcy
Parkog 4531 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãcy 19,674,612 5,010
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãcy
Odhrorvar 4613 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãcy 19,417,656 4,997
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Langendorn 4701 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 19,334,629 4,743
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãcy
Mount Killmore 5280 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãcy 19,104,931 4,937
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
East-Nagach 5313 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 18,837,331 4,747
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Rugnir 4608 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 18,810,573 4,920
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Dunarsund 5496 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 17,766,555 4,689