5646 rank

15,487,710 points

3,127 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
emacrx7    The Spasticals
Greifental 5201 emacrx7 The Spasticals 17,236,725 3,160
emacrx7    The Monarchy
Odhrorvar 4939 emacrx7 The Monarchy 16,220,175 3,010
emacrx7    Chozen4Fun
Angkor 4144 emacrx7 Chozen4Fun 15,987,484 2,818
emacrx7    Adventure
East-Nagach 5675 emacrx7 Adventure 15,888,245 2,782
emacrx7    ALLENTOWN84
Houndsmoor 5646 emacrx7 ALLENTOWN84 15,487,710 3,127
Walstrand 4753 emacrx7 WORN LEATHERNECKS 14,751,920 2,813
emacrx7    MorningDawn
Carthage 5058 emacrx7 MorningDawn 1,055,813 530