12749 rank

587,144 points

834 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Draco 845 the Lucky    Banana!
Yorkton 10934 Draco 845 the Lucky Banana! 637,879 784
Draco 845 the Lucky    diamond backs
Dunarsund 12965 Draco 845 the Lucky diamond backs 599,731 956
Draco 845 the Lucky    Desert Dragons
Houndsmoor 12749 Draco 845 the Lucky Desert Dragons 587,144 834
Draco 845 the Lucky    Rum Runners
Mount Killmore 13363 Draco 845 the Lucky Rum Runners 549,156 764
Draco 845 the Lucky    Jupiter Rising
Angkor 10889 Draco 845 the Lucky Jupiter Rising 485,246 744