3759 rank

44,605,174 points

10,954 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rtee1    Elf Lords
Jaims 2538 Rtee1 Elf Lords 81,891,018 12,065
Rtee1    Bucketlords II
Brisgard 2918 Rtee1 Bucketlords II 81,425,559 15,116
Rtee1    Extreme Violence
Dunarsund 3017 Rtee1 Extreme Violence 74,906,124 15,033
Rtee1    one more time
East-Nagach 3260 Rtee1 one more time 62,652,224 13,089
Rtee1    Slow and Easy
Greifental 3258 Rtee1 Slow and Easy 56,119,806 11,898
Rtee1    Swing for it
Korch 3235 Rtee1 Swing for it 55,919,542 12,103
Rtee1    Playbyplay
Qunrir 3392 Rtee1 Playbyplay 45,647,198 11,804
Rtee1    Knights of Freedom
Houndsmoor 3759 Rtee1 Knights of Freedom 44,605,174 10,954
Rtee1    Rightofcenter
Xyr 3925 Rtee1 Rightofcenter 30,110,692 8,975