318 rank

988,851,032 points

173,493 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
WinnerExWife    Errant Knights
Houndsmoor 318 WinnerExWife Errant Knights 988,851,032 173,493
WinnerExWife    League of Greatness
Mount Killmore 535 WinnerExWife League of Greatness 621,327,355 103,937
WinnerExWife    Pride of Scotland
Jaims 948 WinnerExWife Pride of Scotland 325,818,500 61,377
WinnerExWife    🐻The Bears🐻
Carthage 1161 WinnerExWife 🐻The Bears🐻 41,115,745 16,602
WinnerExWife    Storm Within
Brisgard 4347 WinnerExWife Storm Within 37,354,214 12,068
WinnerExWife    Kingdom Knights
Rugnir 15373 WinnerExWife Kingdom Knights 79,175 91
WinnerExWife    Usual☆Suspects
East-Nagach 17990 WinnerExWife Usual☆Suspects 55,948 92