15370 rank

220,392 points

251 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cruzzo    OutcAsts
Rugnir 11261 Cruzzo OutcAsts 550,037 612
Cruzzo    It is what it is
Houndsmoor 15370 Cruzzo It is what it is 220,392 251
Cruzzo    Killas
Mount Killmore 16538 Cruzzo Killas 181,401 264
Cruzzo    The Rising Empire
Yorkton 16031 Cruzzo The Rising Empire 81,811 144
Cruzzo    Latrells Empire
Walstrand 15453 Cruzzo Latrells Empire 64,691 156
Cruzzo    ironfist
Vingrid 17072 Cruzzo ironfist 46,790 161
Sinerania 16782 Cruzzo 44,589 72
Cruzzo    Mystic Knights
Jaims 17817 Cruzzo Mystic Knights 44,214 87
Cruzzo    The Federation
Greifental 18030 Cruzzo The Federation 39,234 134
Cruzzo    The Forgotten
Carthage 12069 Cruzzo The Forgotten 34,374 85