7299 rank

7,763,612 points

4,141 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Amitis 1510 the Noble    "Pangea"
East-Nagach 5091 Amitis 1510 the Noble "Pangea" 23,003,288 8,153
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Musketeer's
Dunarsund 5292 Amitis 1510 the Noble Musketeer's 20,973,459 7,720
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Seven Kingdoms
Langendorn 4969 Amitis 1510 the Noble Seven Kingdoms 17,952,381 7,316
Amitis 1510 the Noble    TardisCrew
Cirgard 5601 Amitis 1510 the Noble TardisCrew 16,214,701 7,614
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Campfire
Fel Dranghyr 5531 Amitis 1510 the Noble Campfire 15,247,497 6,586
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Jedi
Greifental 5541 Amitis 1510 the Noble Jedi 15,198,981 6,866
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Dandelions Of Doom
Uceria 5256 Amitis 1510 the Noble Dandelions Of Doom 14,598,416 5,882
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Golden Lions
Mount Killmore 6024 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Golden Lions 14,460,940 6,437
Amitis 1510 the Noble    best of the best
Korch 5574 Amitis 1510 the Noble best of the best 13,883,008 5,436
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Shadow Union
Noarsil 5434 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Shadow Union 13,657,926 5,869
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Anomalies of the Sun
Birka 3238 Amitis 1510 the Noble Anomalies of the Sun 13,654,662 7,985
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Build&Trade Society
Tuulech 5266 Amitis 1510 the Noble Build&Trade Society 13,306,249 5,980
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Cruise Ship
Odhrorvar 5470 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Cruise Ship 12,663,082 5,290
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Clan Rugnir
Rugnir 5456 Amitis 1510 the Noble Clan Rugnir 12,567,711 6,739
Amitis 1510 the Noble    castle black
Parkog 5472 Amitis 1510 the Noble castle black 12,208,802 6,080
Amitis 1510 the Noble    roma
Vingrid 5563 Amitis 1510 the Noble roma 11,923,478 4,821
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The daymen
Xyr 5859 Amitis 1510 the Noble The daymen 11,561,951 6,405
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Pax Americana
Qunrir 5850 Amitis 1510 the Noble Pax Americana 10,567,591 4,366
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Fire and Blood
Walstrand 5659 Amitis 1510 the Noble Fire and Blood 9,648,765 4,796
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Oregon Guild
Angkor 5359 Amitis 1510 the Noble Oregon Guild 9,061,637 3,302
Amitis 1510 the Noble    Men of honor
Houndsmoor 7299 Amitis 1510 the Noble Men of honor 7,763,612 4,141
Amitis 1510 the Noble    The Cast Aways
Jaims 8736 Amitis 1510 the Noble The Cast Aways 2,489,437 5,439