5524 rank

17,637,737 points

15,650 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xerxes the Wicked 1   
Birka 2753 Xerxes the Wicked 1 20,195,939 20,677
Xerxes the Wicked 1    FearlessOnes
Houndsmoor 5524 Xerxes the Wicked 1 FearlessOnes 17,637,737 15,650
Xerxes the Wicked 1   
Odhrorvar 5303 Xerxes the Wicked 1 13,924,808 15,203
Xerxes the Wicked 1   
Vingrid 6198 Xerxes the Wicked 1 8,564,484 11,481