10881 rank

1,284,641 points

4,797 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Berenike 2418 the Proud    ★☠★ 𝞖𝑬𝞦 ★☠★
Tuulech 2137 Berenike 2418 the Proud ★☠★ 𝞖𝑬𝞦 ★☠★ 90,964,838 208,686
Berenike 2418 the Proud   
Yorkton 6426 Berenike 2418 the Proud 6,320,054 16,102
Berenike 2418 the Proud    Diamond Farmers
Angkor 7443 Berenike 2418 the Proud Diamond Farmers 2,579,648 4,135
Berenike 2418 the Proud   
Houndsmoor 10881 Berenike 2418 the Proud 1,284,641 4,797
Berenike 2418 the Proud   
Jaims 11125 Berenike 2418 the Proud 742,146 1,562
Berenike 2418 the Proud   
Qunrir 11764 Berenike 2418 the Proud 429,604 990