9989 rank

2,027,173 points

2,329 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Arvahall 5965 Livia 1533 the Brash 23,094,400 10,878
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Tuulech 4841 Livia 1533 the Brash 17,203,061 9,664
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Birka 3195 Livia 1533 the Brash 14,144,377 10,017
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Dunarsund 6923 Livia 1533 the Brash 10,133,434 11,966
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Fel Dranghyr 6972 Livia 1533 the Brash 7,640,958 6,604
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Brisgard 8052 Livia 1533 the Brash 7,358,930 6,554
Livia 1533 the Brash    Eutopia
Vingrid 6607 Livia 1533 the Brash Eutopia 6,938,237 5,207
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Cirgard 7721 Livia 1533 the Brash 5,926,769 5,119
Livia 1533 the Brash   
Greifental 8430 Livia 1533 the Brash 3,332,940 3,060
Livia 1533 the Brash   
East-Nagach 9358 Livia 1533 the Brash 2,588,101 3,069
Livia 1533 the Brash    Legends
Houndsmoor 9989 Livia 1533 the Brash Legends 2,027,173 2,329