3039 rank

70,426,897 points

12,731 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Squan    The Eagle Republic
Brisgard 3096 Squan The Eagle Republic 74,987,750 13,390
Squan    knighs who say ni
East-Nagach 3112 Squan knighs who say ni 71,026,364 12,841
Squan    Alchemist
Dunarsund 3141 Squan Alchemist 70,867,878 13,636
Squan    The Gates of Avalon
Houndsmoor 3039 Squan The Gates of Avalon 70,426,897 12,731
Squan    Oldtimers
Rugnir 2711 Squan Oldtimers 68,823,919 13,664
Squan    Shadow's Elite
Odhrorvar 2792 Squan Shadow's Elite 66,673,618 12,795
Squan    Pupper Master
Fel Dranghyr 3082 Squan Pupper Master 65,778,084 13,029
Squan    BlueWater Buccaneers
Qunrir 2891 Squan BlueWater Buccaneers 64,684,774 13,218
Squan    The DARK side guild
Noarsil 2939 Squan The DARK side guild 63,740,056 12,736
Squan    Honor & Integrity
Mount Killmore 3195 Squan Honor & Integrity 63,285,526 12,667
Jaims 2986 Squan DIEHARDMEN 61,764,152 12,286