12069 rank

780,179 points

904 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rodgerbee    Wubs
Fel Dranghyr 7605 rodgerbee Wubs 5,260,031 2,705
rodgerbee    The Chiefs
Dunarsund 9895 rodgerbee The Chiefs 2,228,772 1,493
rodgerbee    Fit for a King/Queen
Houndsmoor 12069 rodgerbee Fit for a King/Queen 780,179 904
rodgerbee    Knights of Terror
Langendorn 12583 rodgerbee Knights of Terror 323,920 647
rodgerbee    Winterfell
Mount Killmore 16282 rodgerbee Winterfell 197,439 430
rodgerbee    House of Victors
Parkog 16625 rodgerbee House of Victors 45,805 175