6419 rank

11,078,193 points

12,164 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dovey77    Birds of Peace
Arvahall 7558 Dovey77 Birds of Peace 11,546,129 17,271
Dovey77    Birds of Peace
Houndsmoor 6419 Dovey77 Birds of Peace 11,078,193 12,164
Vingrid 6038 Dovey77 8,848,168 11,146
Angkor 6664 Dovey77 4,132,211 5,853
Dovey77    Birds of Peace
Zorskog 8871 Dovey77 Birds of Peace 1,326,813 2,455
Dovey77    Beginners Welcome
Xyr 10392 Dovey77 Beginners Welcome 1,308,969 2,244
Dovey77    Once in a While
Yorkton 9487 Dovey77 Once in a While 1,218,607 2,318