8976 rank

3,440,868 points

5,368 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seleukus 76 the Wrathful    Ronin
Langendorn 127 Seleukus 76 the Wrathful Ronin 1,595,742,197 411,505
Seleukus 76 the Wrathful    Snowman
Brisgard 9546 Seleukus 76 the Wrathful Snowman 3,763,628 4,599
Seleukus 76 the Wrathful    Solo -RTS
Mount Killmore 9000 Seleukus 76 the Wrathful Solo -RTS 3,656,545 4,155
Seleukus 76 the Wrathful   
Houndsmoor 8976 Seleukus 76 the Wrathful 3,440,868 5,368