18393 rank

63,194 points

81 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Renei the Wise    ASA Girl
Houndsmoor 18393 Renei the Wise ASA Girl 63,194 81
Renei the Wise    MME
Noarsil 16608 Renei the Wise MME 47,854 80
Renei the Wise    Lastkey
Odhrorvar 16491 Renei the Wise Lastkey 46,159 47
Renei the Wise    Dunkin
Walstrand 16432 Renei the Wise Dunkin 43,320 56
Renei the Wise    Wise Ones
Cirgard 19875 Renei the Wise Wise Ones 38,660 66