3388 rank

54,419,376 points

5,954 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Scrapodee    Sylvan Dragon Lords
Cirgard 2826 Scrapodee Sylvan Dragon Lords 72,251,721 8,039
Scrapodee    medieval irish
Jaims 3137 Scrapodee medieval irish 54,443,727 5,384
Scrapodee    Knights of Freedom
Houndsmoor 3388 Scrapodee Knights of Freedom 54,419,376 5,954
Scrapodee    Serenity
Mount Killmore 3548 Scrapodee Serenity 50,175,967 5,362
Scrapodee    Kindom of Christ
Odhrorvar 3264 Scrapodee Kindom of Christ 48,345,845 5,626
Scrapodee    Dragonborn
Yorkton 3288 Scrapodee Dragonborn 37,907,731 6,261