3187 rank

63,732,581 points

36,376 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wolverine1982    The Perfect Storm
Odhrorvar 285 Wolverine1982 The Perfect Storm 1,067,213,643 208,175
Wolverine1982    GoBlue
Parkog 1432 Wolverine1982 GoBlue 181,694,825 46,428
Wolverine1982    💥Rogue â‚©arriors💥
Houndsmoor 3187 Wolverine1982 💥Rogue ₩arriors💥 63,732,581 36,376
Wolverine1982    GoBlue
Uceria 3709 Wolverine1982 GoBlue 36,563,917 31,226
Wolverine1982    Fire and Ice
Brisgard 7691 Wolverine1982 Fire and Ice 8,563,382 12,312