8007 rank

4,903,598 points

3,212 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ces5    Rangers
Sinerania 1131 ces5 Rangers 198,438,809 105,094
ces5    EastBoundAndDown
Tuulech 2852 ces5 EastBoundAndDown 46,221,456 3,133
ces5    Battlehammer
Greifental 3378 ces5 Battlehammer 41,629,458 5,799
ces5    Drink & Know Things
Qunrir 4754 ces5 Drink & Know Things 17,038,825 4,891
ces5    As You Wish
Houndsmoor 8007 ces5 As You Wish 4,903,598 3,212
ces5    The Lion's Den
Cirgard 8107 ces5 The Lion's Den 4,349,104 4,256