2939 rank

72,780,436 points

37,263 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Merreckm    mars crew
Tuulech 1763 Merreckm mars crew 132,046,777 44,090
Merreckm    First Blood
Vingrid 2031 Merreckm First Blood 111,741,413 49,995
Merreckm    Erin Go Bragh 🇮🇪
Xyr 1947 Merreckm Erin Go Bragh 🇮🇪 104,610,736 35,586
Merreckm    ☢️CIVIL UNREST☢️
Cirgard 2628 Merreckm ☢️CIVIL UNREST☢️ 83,656,048 36,589
Merreckm    Guards of Killmore
Mount Killmore 2711 Merreckm Guards of Killmore 81,821,277 41,564
Merreckm    The Lost Relic
Houndsmoor 2939 Merreckm The Lost Relic 72,780,436 37,263
Merreckm    NOT TODAY!!!
Zorskog 3088 Merreckm NOT TODAY!!! 36,639,581 15,869