21439 rank

26,613 points

55 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Pianist 20    Welcome Home
Birka 12621 The Pianist 20 Welcome Home 61,602 93
The Pianist 20    American Knights
Uceria 16873 The Pianist 20 American Knights 57,785 56
The Pianist 20    Followers of Christ
Yorkton 18514 The Pianist 20 Followers of Christ 39,963 59
The Pianist 20   
Zorskog 17697 The Pianist 20 35,634 63
The Pianist 20   
Greifental 18895 The Pianist 20 35,606 57
The Pianist 20    Allied forces
Noarsil 18186 The Pianist 20 Allied forces 33,755 61
The Pianist 20    Cross Bearers
Walstrand 18006 The Pianist 20 Cross Bearers 29,754 62
The Pianist 20    Peace Keepers
Fel Dranghyr 20406 The Pianist 20 Peace Keepers 26,893 54
The Pianist 20   
Houndsmoor 21439 The Pianist 20 26,613 55