12149 rank

757,056 points

1,960 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Erica the Fabulous   
Yorkton 9774 Erica the Fabulous 1,067,607 1,858
Erica the Fabulous   
Odhrorvar 10102 Erica the Fabulous 879,294 1,650
Erica the Fabulous   
East-Nagach 11674 Erica the Fabulous 844,511 1,553
Erica the Fabulous   
Houndsmoor 12149 Erica the Fabulous 757,056 1,960
Erica the Fabulous    Kings Of The Empire
Arvahall 14812 Erica the Fabulous Kings Of The Empire 732,623 1,668
Erica the Fabulous   
Cirgard 12241 Erica the Fabulous 722,388 1,807
Erica the Fabulous   
Vingrid 11135 Erica the Fabulous 634,331 1,773
Erica the Fabulous   
Dunarsund 13560 Erica the Fabulous 487,018 1,754