2500 rank

78,872,698 points

40,836 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PW31415926535    FOE Trading Guild
Arvahall 1409 PW31415926535 FOE Trading Guild 233,502,244 137,542
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Birka 765 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 127,382,042 42,619
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Houndsmoor 2500 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 78,872,698 40,836
Mount Killmore 2748 PW31415926535 DIAMOND FARMERS R US 67,870,366 28,080
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Zorskog 2027 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 62,676,173 29,486
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Korch 3818 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 32,470,745 23,547
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Parkog 3724 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 29,065,520 21,198
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Vingrid 4432 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 19,478,270 13,763
PW31415926535    The 4 Horsemen
Brisgard 9706 PW31415926535 The 4 Horsemen 3,130,629 10,780