7886 rank

5,897,680 points

281 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
King Humble The Rayven    Riders of Houndsmoor
Houndsmoor 7886 King Humble The Rayven Riders of Houndsmoor 5,897,680 281
King Humble The Rayven    DRAGON WING
Birka 4526 King Humble The Rayven DRAGON WING 5,672,999 272
King Humble The Rayven    Diamond Miners
Carthage 3253 King Humble The Rayven Diamond Miners 5,642,707 136
King Humble The Rayven    NK1
Mount Killmore 8231 King Humble The Rayven NK1 5,382,419 302
King Humble The Rayven    Sun God
Brisgard 8805 King Humble The Rayven Sun God 5,280,389 272
King Humble The Rayven    Spartan Alliance
Arvahall 9747 King Humble The Rayven Spartan Alliance 5,095,724 258
King Humble The Rayven    Knights of the Vale
Cirgard 8063 King Humble The Rayven Knights of the Vale 5,063,107 236
King Humble The Rayven    Farmer's Market
Noarsil 7197 King Humble The Rayven Farmer's Market 5,018,858 291
King Humble The Rayven    Men Of Honor
Greifental 7737 King Humble The Rayven Men Of Honor 4,990,444 257
King Humble The Rayven    New Day Co-Op
Fel Dranghyr 7837 King Humble The Rayven New Day Co-Op 4,857,608 241
King Humble The Rayven    The Chiefs
Dunarsund 8497 King Humble The Rayven The Chiefs 4,751,718 246
King Humble The Rayven    Gotham
Uceria 7382 King Humble The Rayven Gotham 4,725,237 264
King Humble The Rayven    Wanderers
Xyr 7798 King Humble The Rayven Wanderers 4,683,941 190
King Humble The Rayven    bravehearts
Korch 7649 King Humble The Rayven bravehearts 4,628,112 203
King Humble The Rayven    Leathernecks
Jaims 7750 King Humble The Rayven Leathernecks 4,520,966 285
King Humble The Rayven    Kismet
East-Nagach 8374 King Humble The Rayven Kismet 4,466,711 230
King Humble The Rayven    Thor
Langendorn 7559 King Humble The Rayven Thor 4,414,541 253
King Humble The Rayven    conquering warriors
Yorkton 7268 King Humble The Rayven conquering warriors 4,397,870 273
King Humble The Rayven    The Lions Den
Parkog 7265 King Humble The Rayven The Lions Den 4,296,737 304
King Humble The Rayven    thebigcheese
Zorskog 6889 King Humble The Rayven thebigcheese 4,267,386 243
King Humble The Rayven    Jahs Army
Qunrir 7501 King Humble The Rayven Jahs Army 4,171,022 272
King Humble The Rayven    Fiery Inferno
Odhrorvar 7408 King Humble The Rayven Fiery Inferno 4,134,203 264
King Humble The Rayven    BANK
Tuulech 7289 King Humble The Rayven BANK 4,115,352 177
King Humble The Rayven    Wanderlust
Walstrand 7109 King Humble The Rayven Wanderlust 4,094,807 279
King Humble The Rayven    Expansion
Rugnir 7483 King Humble The Rayven Expansion 4,017,105 287
King Humble The Rayven    EARTH-ANKOR HQ
Angkor 6830 King Humble The Rayven EARTH-ANKOR HQ 4,005,613 202
King Humble The Rayven    Horsemen
Sinerania 7387 King Humble The Rayven Horsemen 3,875,804 214
King Humble The Rayven    sir raymonds riders
Vingrid 7612 King Humble The Rayven sir raymonds riders 3,834,763 221
King Humble The Rayven    Gods helper!
Dilmun 2901 King Humble The Rayven Gods helper! 3,154,297 135