6515 rank

10,712,677 points

1,558 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
11th ACR    Army of One
Dunarsund 5838 11th ACR Army of One 15,113,469 2,152
11th ACR    Army of Uno
Houndsmoor 6515 11th ACR Army of Uno 10,712,677 1,558
11th ACR    Army of Un
Arvahall 7954 11th ACR Army of Un 9,943,179 1,623
11th ACR    Army of Ekab
Zorskog 5382 11th ACR Army of Ekab 9,015,725 1,207
11th ACR    Army of Eins
Jaims 6303 11th ACR Army of Eins 8,971,947 1,523
11th ACR    An Army of One
Qunrir 6194 11th ACR An Army of One 8,609,062 1,227
11th ACR    Army of En
Vingrid 6220 11th ACR Army of En 8,098,211 1,141
11th ACR    Army of 1
Langendorn 6442 11th ACR Army of 1 7,744,146 1,384
11th ACR    Army Strong
Mount Killmore 7304 11th ACR Army Strong 7,736,797 1,319
11th ACR    Army of Unus
Xyr 6769 11th ACR Army of Unus 7,165,041 1,182
11th ACR    Army of Yksi
Yorkton 6223 11th ACR Army of Yksi 7,109,525 1,177
11th ACR    Army of Eis
Angkor 5913 11th ACR Army of Eis 6,271,806 1,140
11th ACR    Arrrmy!
Dilmun 2454 11th ACR Arrrmy! 4,496,071 1,234