10730 rank

1,378,350 points

936 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
danaglow    3rd Eye of Guildless
Arvahall 10174 danaglow 3rd Eye of Guildless 4,032,219 1,598
danaglow    Winters Dragon
Brisgard 9297 danaglow Winters Dragon 3,987,038 1,385
danaglow    Irish Haven
Mount Killmore 9247 danaglow Irish Haven 3,135,034 1,277
danaglow    Bree’s Escape
Houndsmoor 10730 danaglow Bree’s Escape 1,378,350 936
danaglow    Legends2.0
Tuulech 9314 danaglow Legends2.0 1,219,297 874
danaglow    SMS
Zorskog 14237 danaglow SMS 120,373 214