11947 rank

833,171 points

858 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dice.    The Bat Cave
Greifental 2666 Dice. The Bat Cave 84,080,960 19,367
Uceria 3834 Dice. 33,797,470 59,367
Dice.    The Bat Cave
Birka 2419 Dice. The Bat Cave 26,516,761 15,267
Dice.    The Bat Cave
Vingrid 5408 Dice. The Bat Cave 13,234,563 10,202
Dilmun 2091 Dice. 8,865,385 8,231
Houndsmoor 11947 Dice. 833,171 858
Dice.    The Bat Cave
Qunrir 10834 Dice. The Bat Cave 627,995 1,232
East-Nagach 17701 Dice. 62,829 309