13683 rank

403,360 points

335 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dreamerkf    People of Honor
Arvahall 7324 dreamerkf People of Honor 12,557,747 1,159
dreamerkf    Illuminati3
Fel Dranghyr 7993 dreamerkf Illuminati3 4,253,837 1,148
dreamerkf    Hboows
Brisgard 10048 dreamerkf Hboows 2,755,765 513
dreamerkf    Brothers of the Orb
Cirgard 9491 dreamerkf Brothers of the Orb 2,411,608 578
dreamerkf    Kosice moje malicke.
Dunarsund 11256 dreamerkf Kosice moje malicke. 1,211,660 374
dreamerkf    Maximum skill
Noarsil 9773 dreamerkf Maximum skill 1,100,168 445
dreamerkf    Nemean Pride
Langendorn 10350 dreamerkf Nemean Pride 926,415 361
dreamerkf    FireTeam Alpha
East-Nagach 11465 dreamerkf FireTeam Alpha 918,992 384
dreamerkf    Freeze Crew
Houndsmoor 13683 dreamerkf Freeze Crew 403,360 335
dreamerkf    Zeus the Last Caboos
Qunrir 12101 dreamerkf Zeus the Last Caboos 369,208 326
dreamerkf    Guild of Allies
Sinerania 12432 dreamerkf Guild of Allies 305,341 278