16214 rank

75,379 points

71 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Leo the Lion
Arvahall 18802 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Leo the Lion 199,013 113
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    A rose is a rose
Cirgard 15704 Euphorion 755 the Lucky A rose is a rose 184,333 142
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Existential Sprocket
Vingrid 14009 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Existential Sprocket 161,323 55
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    backwoods
Xyr 15929 Euphorion 755 the Lucky backwoods 144,595 61
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    lwant2balone
Dunarsund 16836 Euphorion 755 the Lucky lwant2balone 124,074 119
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    M2five
Angkor 14125 Euphorion 755 the Lucky M2five 115,898 123
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Greenberg Village
Brisgard 18747 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Greenberg Village 101,048 98
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    peacekeeper
Walstrand 14287 Euphorion 755 the Lucky peacekeeper 96,738 93
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    We Are One
Zorskog 14986 Euphorion 755 the Lucky We Are One 80,550 61
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Great Expectation
Jaims 16214 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Great Expectation 75,379 71
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Who can l turn to?
Tuulech 14978 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Who can l turn to? 73,786 51
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    BLACK ROSE EMPIRE
Greifental 17063 Euphorion 755 the Lucky BLACK ROSE EMPIRE 53,335 63
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    The G club
Yorkton 17187 Euphorion 755 the Lucky The G club 49,273 63
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Crystaline Heart
Mount Killmore 20542 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Crystaline Heart 41,448 43
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Bloodguard
East-Nagach 18889 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Bloodguard 40,798 48
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    common trust
Parkog 16907 Euphorion 755 the Lucky common trust 36,903 30
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    RGB guild
Rugnir 17548 Euphorion 755 the Lucky RGB guild 31,517 43
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    memyself&l
Houndsmoor 20105 Euphorion 755 the Lucky memyself&l 29,923 44
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    granny pants
Fel Dranghyr 19439 Euphorion 755 the Lucky granny pants 25,586 43
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    j*ohns
Korch 19182 Euphorion 755 the Lucky j*ohns 22,247 31
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    To be or not to be
Sinerania 18044 Euphorion 755 the Lucky To be or not to be 21,746 77
Euphorion 755 the Lucky    Me Only
Birka 14825 Euphorion 755 the Lucky Me Only 21,612 86