15962 rank

115,887 points

222 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
limey    Immortal Phoenix
Arvahall 10023 limey Immortal Phoenix 3,839,039 2,439
limey    IRON LION
Brisgard 10669 limey IRON LION 1,947,401 1,504
limey    American Right
Cirgard 11669 limey American Right 909,041 894
limey    Nat. Park Service
Greifental 11506 limey Nat. Park Service 707,162 1,097
limey    Rising Sun
Birka 9268 limey Rising Sun 297,346 631
limey    Chaotic Dreamer
Fel Dranghyr 14203 limey Chaotic Dreamer 280,445 453
limey    Who is in
East-Nagach 15593 limey Who is in 198,432 521
limey    Bad Company
Carthage 7876 limey Bad Company 167,551 328
limey    ELDERS
Dunarsund 16950 limey ELDERS 151,065 387
limey    The Republic
Jaims 15962 limey The Republic 115,887 222