4425 rank

20,606,966 points

12,709 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seminole Bob    Highlanders
Yorkton 1381 Seminole Bob Highlanders 119,514,269 36,285
Seminole Bob    RISE OF HADES
Dunarsund 2258 Seminole Bob RISE OF HADES 94,911,305 30,249
Seminole Bob    Pirates of Rugnir
Rugnir 2068 Seminole Bob Pirates of Rugnir 81,790,936 30,388
Seminole Bob    🍺 Here fer Beer 🍺
Cirgard 2378 Seminole Bob 🍺 Here fer Beer 🍺 78,246,607 33,110
Seminole Bob    ‍☠️Marauders☠️
Uceria 3482 Seminole Bob ‍☠️Marauders☠️ 32,992,091 28,925
Carthage 1091 Seminole Bob YOUR WORSE NIGHTMARE 25,255,075 32,226
Seminole Bob   
Sinerania 4056 Seminole Bob 22,859,817 10,620
Seminole Bob   
Jaims 4425 Seminole Bob 20,606,966 12,709