3148 rank

54,131,332 points

24,407 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mike the Cowardly    Vesta's Villains
Dunarsund 561 Mike the Cowardly Vesta's Villains 638,175,496 82,728
Mike the Cowardly    The Great Journey
Tuulech 663 Mike the Cowardly The Great Journey 442,729,658 81,288
Mike the Cowardly    Dream On
Angkor 579 Mike the Cowardly Dream On 381,234,772 75,380
Mike the Cowardly    The Head Shop
Zorskog 809 Mike the Cowardly The Head Shop 258,084,353 60,353
Mike the Cowardly    Dragons of Vanguard
Jaims 3148 Mike the Cowardly Dragons of Vanguard 54,131,332 24,407
Mike the Cowardly    Fenner
Fel Dranghyr 6401 Mike the Cowardly Fenner 9,995,319 14,713