4166 rank

28,919,589 points

5,085 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mike the Painter II    Keystone2
East-Nagach 3046 Mike the Painter II Keystone2 72,110,855 14,197
Mike the Painter II    Star Blazers
Zorskog 2635 Mike the Painter II Star Blazers 49,799,550 18,158
Mike the Painter II    Rest Stop
Greifental 3816 Mike the Painter II Rest Stop 40,507,385 5,267
Mike the Painter II    BeCause needed
Xyr 3427 Mike the Painter II BeCause needed 40,432,360 12,240
Mike the Painter II    Invictas
Qunrir 3714 Mike the Painter II Invictas 37,543,107 9,901
Mike the Painter II    Mag
Yorkton 3343 Mike the Painter II Mag 36,894,157 5,580
Mike the Painter II    Lonely souls
Vingrid 3681 Mike the Painter II Lonely souls 35,806,511 7,447
Mike the Painter II    Hippies of the 60s
Korch 3983 Mike the Painter II Hippies of the 60s 34,602,101 4,903
Mike the Painter II    Mag
Jaims 4166 Mike the Painter II Mag 28,919,589 5,085
Mike the Painter II    NO LIMITS
Mount Killmore 4766 Mike the Painter II NO LIMITS 26,345,205 5,621
Mike the Painter II    The Bastion
Parkog 4254 Mike the Painter II The Bastion 24,496,566 4,992
Mike the Painter II    Puppet master
Walstrand 5865 Mike the Painter II Puppet master 8,576,249 3,618
Mike the Painter II    Scrubs
Dunarsund 7888 Mike the Painter II Scrubs 6,426,003 3,916