2415 rank

80,943,422 points

27,551 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
angrywolf69    Go Forge yourself
Jaims 2415 angrywolf69 Go Forge yourself 80,943,422 27,551
angrywolf69    Hoods and Hippies
Yorkton 2393 angrywolf69 Hoods and Hippies 62,781,141 25,167
angrywolf69    Beginners Welcome
Angkor 2891 angrywolf69 Beginners Welcome 33,515,036 11,809
angrywolf69    The New Beginners
Dilmun 2121 angrywolf69 The New Beginners 6,458,840 5,311
angrywolf69    The Flame
Tuulech 12650 angrywolf69 The Flame 237,187 480