4844 rank

18,683,102 points

3,887 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Shaderis the Crafty   
Jaims 4844 Shaderis the Crafty 18,683,102 3,887
Shaderis the Crafty   
Angkor 8113 Shaderis the Crafty 1,798,357 2,329
Shaderis the Crafty   
Sinerania 12176 Shaderis the Crafty 339,379 1,021
Shaderis the Crafty   
Noarsil 12313 Shaderis the Crafty 338,192 1,078
Shaderis the Crafty   
Vingrid 13983 Shaderis the Crafty 178,917 667
Shaderis the Crafty   
Brisgard 20299 Shaderis the Crafty 59,857 254