12369 rank

426,768 points

920 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lady Zsa the Just   
Langendorn 6748 Lady Zsa the Just 7,003,735 3,650
Lady Zsa the Just   
Houndsmoor 12767 Lady Zsa the Just 579,957 1,212
Lady Zsa the Just   
Noarsil 11349 Lady Zsa the Just 496,983 1,038
Lady Zsa the Just    Niagara Knights club
Xyr 12773 Lady Zsa the Just Niagara Knights club 489,895 800
Lady Zsa the Just   
Greifental 12224 Lady Zsa the Just 485,372 1,211
Lady Zsa the Just   
Jaims 12369 Lady Zsa the Just 426,768 920
Lady Zsa the Just   
Sinerania 11928 Lady Zsa the Just 358,520 942
Lady Zsa the Just   
Odhrorvar 12020 Lady Zsa the Just 323,672 862
Lady Zsa the Just    Dragon's Lair
Birka 9468 Lady Zsa the Just Dragon's Lair 274,634 922