9996 rank

1,256,085 points

1,568 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Alexander the Great
Jaims 9996 Alyssa 1229 the Red Alexander the Great 1,256,085 1,568
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Stoner’s Welcome
East-Nagach 11486 Alyssa 1229 the Red Stoner’s Welcome 938,952 1,033
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Quiet Dignity
Vingrid 10430 Alyssa 1229 the Red Quiet Dignity 877,219 1,199
Alyssa 1229 the Red    The Forgotton
Fel Dranghyr 11279 Alyssa 1229 the Red The Forgotton 843,455 1,012
Alyssa 1229 the Red    The Bay of Green
Houndsmoor 13178 Alyssa 1229 the Red The Bay of Green 503,026 567
Alyssa 1229 the Red    thisone
Brisgard 14799 Alyssa 1229 the Red thisone 444,725 489
Alyssa 1229 the Red    ︻┳デ═—
Korch 12347 Alyssa 1229 the Red ︻┳デ═— 434,655 593
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Lazy Bums
Angkor 11302 Alyssa 1229 the Red Lazy Bums 415,964 694
Alyssa 1229 the Red    B&W
Langendorn 12208 Alyssa 1229 the Red B&W 368,262 423
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Avalon Knights
Mount Killmore 14662 Alyssa 1229 the Red Avalon Knights 353,330 646
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Post Modern Hippies
Odhrorvar 12372 Alyssa 1229 the Red Post Modern Hippies 283,757 419
Alyssa 1229 the Red    The Saints Of Niro
Parkog 12393 Alyssa 1229 the Red The Saints Of Niro 282,160 335
Alyssa 1229 the Red    SG-1
Yorkton 13060 Alyssa 1229 the Red SG-1 271,514 392
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Castle Anthrax
Tuulech 12461 Alyssa 1229 the Red Castle Anthrax 249,366 316
Alyssa 1229 the Red    BLOODMOON
Xyr 14828 Alyssa 1229 the Red BLOODMOON 231,630 323
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Spirit of excellence
Sinerania 13319 Alyssa 1229 the Red Spirit of excellence 194,498 520
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Noarsil trading co.
Noarsil 13549 Alyssa 1229 the Red Noarsil trading co. 178,035 129
Alyssa 1229 the Red    ⛄️ hide out ❄️
Zorskog 13409 Alyssa 1229 the Red ⛄️ hide out ❄️ 172,186 500
Alyssa 1229 the Red   
Carthage 9098 Alyssa 1229 the Red 170,471 192
Alyssa 1229 the Red   
Dunarsund 16876 Alyssa 1229 the Red 124,021 123
Alyssa 1229 the Red    the Hive
Arvahall 20162 Alyssa 1229 the Red the Hive 123,570 130
Alyssa 1229 the Red   
Qunrir 14417 Alyssa 1229 the Red 116,560 156
Alyssa 1229 the Red    sillydudes
Dilmun 6929 Alyssa 1229 the Red sillydudes 115,170 123
Alyssa 1229 the Red   
Greifental 15494 Alyssa 1229 the Red 103,903 95
Alyssa 1229 the Red    The Stragglers
Cirgard 17126 Alyssa 1229 the Red The Stragglers 101,592 117
Alyssa 1229 the Red    eraine
Uceria 14853 Alyssa 1229 the Red eraine 101,331 123
Alyssa 1229 the Red    Reigning Chaos
Rugnir 14925 Alyssa 1229 the Red Reigning Chaos 96,124 110
Alyssa 1229 the Red    TradersOnly
Birka 11897 Alyssa 1229 the Red TradersOnly 84,274 78
Alyssa 1229 the Red   
Walstrand 15300 Alyssa 1229 the Red 62,382 58