10658 rank

915,008 points

880 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Monster    Hooligans
Angkor 1303 Monster Hooligans 140,686,820 251,835
Monster    Bloodbath and Beyond
Arvahall 2724 Monster Bloodbath and Beyond 112,152,189 43,276
Monster    Pouch my Tenis
Brisgard 5178 Monster Pouch my Tenis 24,636,328 13,541
Monster    Riders Of Lohan
Cirgard 7818 Monster Riders Of Lohan 5,633,488 5,414
Dilmun 3265 Monster 1,917,065 2,838
Monster    The Insurrection
Dunarsund 10584 Monster The Insurrection 1,607,576 2,410
Monster    Clints house
Jaims 10658 Monster Clints house 915,008 880
Rugnir 10912 Monster 637,376 2,526