4802 rank

17,015,455 points

3,290 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
matrilegend    Sea of Green
Odhrorvar 4520 matrilegend Sea of Green 17,894,456 3,554
matrilegend    DAMAS
Brisgard 5375 matrilegend DAMAS 17,891,897 3,659
matrilegend    Free fun
Parkog 4537 matrilegend Free fun 17,367,266 3,491
matrilegend    FreeForAll
Greifental 5018 matrilegend FreeForAll 17,023,999 3,498
matrilegend    Outcast Rebellion
Jaims 4802 matrilegend Outcast Rebellion 17,015,455 3,290
matrilegend    The White Rose
Houndsmoor 5226 matrilegend The White Rose 16,854,167 3,420