13055 rank

381,096 points

1,600 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vital the Scourge   
Dilmun 1813 Vital the Scourge 5,554,465 6,706
Vital the Scourge   
East-Nagach 8632 Vital the Scourge 3,438,148 3,927
Vital the Scourge   
Arvahall 15607 Vital the Scourge 564,568 2,051
Vital the Scourge   
Houndsmoor 13407 Vital the Scourge 491,294 1,817
Vital the Scourge   
Brisgard 14662 Vital the Scourge 477,126 1,695
Vital the Scourge   
Cirgard 13653 Vital the Scourge 449,822 1,869
Vital the Scourge   
Greifental 12648 Vital the Scourge 445,746 1,883
Vital the Scourge   
Fel Dranghyr 12999 Vital the Scourge 443,838 1,814
Vital the Scourge   
Dunarsund 14142 Vital the Scourge 421,162 1,868
Vital the Scourge   
Jaims 13055 Vital the Scourge 381,096 1,600