1874 rank

136,460,304 points

38,081 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sophie02    Forsaken Embers
Fel Dranghyr 1047 sophie02 Forsaken Embers 342,105,246 84,535
sophie02    Siege of Ages
Jaims 1874 sophie02 Siege of Ages 136,460,304 38,081
sophie02    🔥 WLHVFD 28 🚒
Korch 2291 sophie02 🔥 WLHVFD 28 🚒 106,477,413 31,743
sophie02    Solus
Langendorn 2390 sophie02 Solus 91,741,996 20,543
sophie02    GALIGOOCH
Brisgard 4076 sophie02 GALIGOOCH 44,765,379 10,595
sophie02    SOLOMIO
Dunarsund 4167 sophie02 SOLOMIO 38,291,389 8,601