7513 rank

4,848,094 points

2,792 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cnoyes    Bone collector
Arvahall 7953 cnoyes Bone collector 9,268,702 2,349
cnoyes    Barts Players
Dunarsund 7719 cnoyes Barts Players 6,321,946 1,996
cnoyes    we are one
Greifental 7602 cnoyes we are one 5,028,277 2,132
cnoyes    Legendary
Jaims 7513 cnoyes Legendary 4,848,094 2,792
cnoyes    Sons of Valhallah
Carthage 3051 cnoyes Sons of Valhallah 4,840,650 2,058
cnoyes    Grumpasaures
Walstrand 6693 cnoyes Grumpasaures 4,824,452 1,546
cnoyes    J4F-2
Cirgard 8235 cnoyes J4F-2 4,312,916 1,908
cnoyes    Bravehearts
Brisgard 9142 cnoyes Bravehearts 4,051,197 2,076
cnoyes    Firemedic
Mount Killmore 8849 cnoyes Firemedic 3,747,931 1,439
cnoyes    IceNation
Noarsil 7617 cnoyes IceNation 3,729,180 1,837
cnoyes    Arc
Tuulech 7333 cnoyes Arc 3,693,536 1,367
cnoyes    coustyj
Odhrorvar 7510 cnoyes coustyj 3,635,345 1,354
cnoyes    Wynners’ Guild
Dilmun 2461 cnoyes Wynners’ Guild 3,454,249 1,095
cnoyes    Knights of Glory
Houndsmoor 8880 cnoyes Knights of Glory 3,302,729 1,856
cnoyes    The army of awsome
Qunrir 7973 cnoyes The army of awsome 3,037,048 1,764
cnoyes    Raptors 🐱‍🐉
Korch 8317 cnoyes Raptors 🐱‍🐉 2,989,009 1,605
cnoyes    DEMTO
Rugnir 7903 cnoyes DEMTO 2,935,244 1,506
cnoyes    Secret Hideout
Uceria 8144 cnoyes Secret Hideout 2,887,086 1,339
cnoyes    Avalon's table
East-Nagach 9090 cnoyes Avalon's table 2,848,995 1,397
cnoyes    Wolverine
Fel Dranghyr 8694 cnoyes Wolverine 2,845,675 1,456
cnoyes    Dragon's Wings
Yorkton 7841 cnoyes Dragon's Wings 2,821,811 1,482
cnoyes    The North Remembers
Zorskog 7491 cnoyes The North Remembers 2,727,443 1,329
cnoyes    Dragon's Fire
Parkog 7959 cnoyes Dragon's Fire 2,726,956 1,463
cnoyes    Chavela
Angkor 7331 cnoyes Chavela 2,644,655 1,476
cnoyes    Eye of the spirit
Langendorn 8324 cnoyes Eye of the spirit 2,642,451 1,510
cnoyes    strong tower
Vingrid 8193 cnoyes strong tower 2,635,057 1,301
cnoyes    Silverback
Birka 5359 cnoyes Silverback 2,618,033 1,329
cnoyes    Free candy in van
Sinerania 8123 cnoyes Free candy in van 2,433,678 1,531
cnoyes    TP Hoarders
Xyr 9065 cnoyes TP Hoarders 2,425,659 1,300